Give a Little Thanks for Thanksgiving
Are we not thankful for Thanksgiving? Is it the ugly stepchild of holidays? Everyone goes on and on about Halloween. The costumes. The candy. The trick or treating. It’s great and all but why do we jump from Halloween to Christmas? The next thing you know, there’s Christmas trees everywhere. Elves are on shelves. Even Little Debbie bypasses Thanksgiving and goes straight for the Christmas snack cakes. Not a single turkey to be found.
There are 30 days of Halloween horror films and 30 days of Christmas movies. Did we miss the Thanksgiving films? Where’s A Nightmare Before Thanksgiving or National Lampoon’s Thanksgiving Vacation? Ernest Saves Thanksgiving? Guess they didn’t make the cut. We sit on Thanksgiving day and watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for hours to see the arrival of—wait for it—Santa Claus and the start of the Christmas season. Not Mr. Thanksgiving but Mr. Christmas. And don’t get us started on Black Friday. Also about buying gifts for Christmas, not Thanksgiving.
Holidays have always been commercialized and driven by stores to sell products to the masses, but why does Thanksgiving get the short end of the stick…or wishbone in this case? Each year starting in January,
we immediately start with Valentine’s Day, then St. Patrick’s Day in March, Mother’s Day in May and Father’s Day in June. Then on to the 4th of July, Back to School in August, our beloved Halloween in October and then the almighty giant of Christmas in December. Rinse. Spin. Repeat.
Thanksgiving gets thrown in there to fend for itself. Never a spot for them at the grown-up table, but always stuck having to pull up a chair to eat out of their lap at the kid’s table. Is it because Thanksgiving is ole’ faithful? We know it’s always going to be there, tucked in between Halloween and Christmas to give us comfort just when we need it. It’s there to wrap us up like a warm blanket and carry us through the rest of the holiday season.
Here at Landers Toyota NWA, we can be guilty of passing over our own stand-by models like the Camry for flashier or brand new ones. Sometimes it’s “out with the old, in with the new” but we need to stop and be thankful for the Camrys of the world that make the Toyota brand such a reliable and dependable vehicle for all drivers.
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Anyone else hungry for crescent rolls now? They provide the same comfort Thanksgiving provides us which is warmth and a sense of home. That’s something to be thankful for. It’s time to give a little thanks for Thanksgiving. Now put that Halloween candy away and hold off on the Christmas decorations for just a minute. It’s time to pass the turkey.
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